
We train and consult on the application of ASME Y14.5, the standard for GD&T.
ASME Y14.5-2018 is the current standard:
You can buy the current version of the American GD&T standard, ASME Y14.5-2018, from ASME for $230 (as of Jan. 2021, anyways!) for either the print version or a PDF version. (You save shipping charges by ordering the PDF version, but be prepared to load some software in order to view the PDF because it's protected and only works on one computer, the physical machine that you download and open it on.)
MAP OF THE GD&T WORLD-2018 Version
1. We've got a PDF that you can download: Click on Free GD&T Downloads.
Thousands of people have downloaded the 1994 and 2009 PDF Maps of GD&T, and we've updated the same map to reflect changes made to the ASME Y14.5-2018 GD&T Standard. Please contact us with any questions or comments.
2. The Interactive Map is ready to use, click on GD&T Map above. It's under Resources, and you can of course bookmark this link (www.gd-t.com/map-of-gdt) as a quick reference.
We offer the following courses as custom onsite workshops:
3-day Fundamentals of GD&T (Our Fundamentals incorporates what many companies split into two classes: "Fundamentals" and "Advanced" - we can pick & choose topics based on your applications.)
We can also run this in a virtual format, such as Zoom. We've experimented a bit and found that six, 3-hour sessions works best, and that students' energy levels seem to stay pretty high if we schedule the classes every other day, either Mon/Wed/Fri for two consecutive weeks, or Tue/Thur for three consecutive weeks.
1- or 2-day GD&T Review (Usually the review course begins with an assessment, then content areas that need review are explored. The rest of the time participants work in groups to apply GD&T to their own drawings/parts.)
2-day Tolerance Stack Analysis Using GD&T
1-day Reading Engineering Drawings
For more information on these workshops, see "Workshops" above. We have run public workshops in Boston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Detroit, and Los Angeles in the past. We haven't finalized our plans for any future public workshops, but please let us know if you'd be interested in attending a workshop and the location. If your organization has five or more individuals who need training in GD&T or tolerance stack analysis, please contact us - we'd love to bring the training to you.
To learn more about any courses we offer or to discuss a custom course, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing) is a particular way of communicating dimensions and tolerances for size, location, orientation, and form. In North America, the current standard is ASME Y14.5-2018, which is similar to ISO, DIN, JIS, and other standards used outside of the US. The basic idea of GD&T:
Geometric: A way of thinking about and communicating dimensions and tolerances for a product.
Dimensioning: Calculating, recording, and communicating desired values for size, location, orientation, and form.
Tolerancing: Calculating, recording, and communicating acceptable ranges for size, location, orientation, and form.
Checkout a couple of new resources on the differences between the ASME and the ISO GD&T standards. The first is a one-pager that describes the current "families" of standards. The second is a two-pager that compares the similarities and differences between the current Y14.5 standard, older standards (we've found that the 1994 standard is still in wide-spread use, and many companies still have drawings created to the 1982 standard), and the ISO standard.
Go to Free GD&T Downloads to download the PDFs.